
Tips to maintain and extend your laptop battery


it is time, from concrete cases, to give you real answers to how to make your laptop battery last long.

laptop battery tips Homies Hacks
We've all have heard a lot of tips & tricks about preserving a laptop's battery. However, it is time, from concrete cases, to give you real answers to how to make your laptop battery last long.

Should you empty your battery completely on a regular basis?

A full discharge can cause 20% of the total capacity of a current battery to be lost. Recent operating systems are designed for computers to go to sleep and avoid reaching this level of discharge.

If you see your laptop go out, your battery will not lose its autonomy. The computer will simply have activated, a form of security to preserve the remaining charge of the battery.

A total discharge of the battery causes a chemical degradation of the elements within the battery. Because of this, recharging the battery, after being emptied completely, is dangerous for the life of the battery. This is why an internal circuit (a control card, built into the battery, which always remains powered) can prevent recharging to avoid any incident. The main consequence is that the battery becomes unusable.

Now, when your battery is no longer showing signs of life, the internal components are degraded. And so the power is off to prevent damage to your devices such as cell phone, laptop, or even your car battery.

Should the battery be removed from the PC during extended use?

If you use your laptop only on mains over the long term (several weeks or even months). You can charge the battery between 40% and 60% of its total value, then remove it (if possible). You can then store it in a dry, cool place with a minimum charge of 40%. Below, it may make it completely unloaded and unusable the day you request it.

As we have seen previously, current batteries adapt to your use, be it nomadic or sedentary. It is probably useless to want to remove it, especially in case of accidental power failure, you could lose all your work in progress.

Avoid heating your battery:

It is recommended that you do not use your laptop on your lap or on a flat surface. This prevents the cooling of your device.

It is also strongly discouraged to constantly recharge your battery to maintain it at 100%. It is better to wait until your battery is less than 50% unloaded to restore it.

Optimize the components of your laptop:

If your laptop is composed of an LCD screen, the first action to do is to optimize its load by lowering the brightness of your screen.

A few extra tips:

  • A battery loses its capacity from the date of manufacture. It is, therefore, necessary to pay attention to it during your purchases. The more recent the date, the higher the battery capacity. So choose the latest models.
  • If your battery has not been used for a while (1-2 months), it is best to charge it up to 40% before reusing it.
  • If you do not use the internet via Wi-Fi, you can disconnect it.
  • When you no longer use your computer, it is best to turn it off and not leave it idle.
  • If despite all of these advise, your battery no longer works, then it's time to purchase a new one.

Some things to consider if you choose this choice:

  • Avoid cheap batteries, because they are products that can be dangerous. There are batteries at the entry level, but they do not always adapt to your computer. Refer to the model number of your original battery.
  • Do not dispose of your existing battery as it is a very polluting product. It must be recycled.



Homies Hacks: Tips to maintain and extend your laptop battery
Tips to maintain and extend your laptop battery
it is time, from concrete cases, to give you real answers to how to make your laptop battery last long.
Homies Hacks
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