
Make Money Online with your Photos


Great ways to earn a little extra by selling your photos online

earn a little extra from your photos - Homies Hacks

Advances in digital cameras and mobile phones have resulted in a large number of photos being produced every day. But they are often ignored by the photographer.

In addition to sharing with friends, they often do not see them later, occupying their own hard disk space.

So instead of uploading these photos to FB, Instagram and other platforms, it is better to share your work with some known photo-stock websites which will help you earn extra in return.

When it comes to exploiting a talent (or a passion), there is no place like the Web to find the right opportunity.

You can discover the way to build an entire career, or simply find a second source of income. And who knows, you could even find the right business idea to create a new successful business.

So, whether you are a professional photographer or a lens enthusiast, you can make a little extra money by selling your photos to the following websites: 

This is considered to be one of the largest photo-selling websites and is therefore very popular with many people.

You only need to register an account for free and upload your work. It is necessary to pass a selection consisting of sending 10 photos (the best of all those you have). If the company approve at least 1 in 10 photos, then you can start selling your images on Shutterstock.

If it does not go well on the first try, do not be discouraged, and try again, perhaps with other photos.

In addition to photos, you can also sell videos, vector images, and music on Shutterstock, and earn a good amount of extra money.

Remember that it is essential to regularly send images to be sold, to make your portfolio more visible on Shutterstock.

It is a photography-oriented e-commerce platform that offers a large number of customizable templates where you can upload your photos.

This website has a strict review of pictures and is more suitable for more professional photographers.

Selling a photo gives you 70% of the total sales.

123RF is also very widespread. To sell just register as a contributor, upload your work and earn between 30 and 60% on each download. The royalties vary according to the level of contribution.

Registration and photo review are faster and the picture pass rate is high.

Also, if you introduce other customers or photographers to the website, you can get an additional commission.

It one of the most trusted sites, thanks to its high-quality standards and is the second largest photo library in the United States.

Registration is relatively simple and relaxed. But the uploaded image size must be minimum 3 megapixels.

The price at which each photo can be sold is relatively high.

Another very popular microstock is Fotolia and royalties are immediately credited to your account.

After the registration is completed, each uploaded image must wait for approval before it can be sold.

Although the audit standard is not very strict, it is slower and requires patience.

In addition to the actual photos taken, you can also upload images made with 3D graphics software, and the price of each photo can be customized.

The leader of these websites, the registration review is slightly strict, need to answer some questions, as well as the proof of identity and three sample photos taken by yourself.

After the registration is successful, the review of uploaded photos takes a bit extra time. Unless you believe that your photos are very good, it is very likely that all of them will be returned. So send them the vest best ones.

Registration with Depositphotos requires the provision of a scanned copy of any of your identity document. The exam consists of five works and is very strict. But working with Depositphotos is pretty nice.

Depositphotos has a convenient user interface, which will be very useful in the initial stages of working with microstock.

Although the professional skills required for shooting are relatively small, you need to exercise the camera handling skills, learn to use the camera and flash, and know how to shoot in low light, and such activities.


  1. Yeppeeee! grt man, thnks, will sign up on all

  2. thanks, m already into photography & this will surely help... plz share more tricks

    1. hey jatin, have u tried any of these websites yet, plz let me knw at photogeniuskumar@gmail.com

    2. to be honest I never used these services earlier, but have just signed up today & hoping for the best. I do remember that my frnd did earn few bucks from one of these sites back in our college days... hope this helps :)

  3. hello everyone, well there is no harm to try guys, unless & until u try how would u knw if it can help u or not, right?
    it just depends on the quality of ur picutre so after u sign up, just upload the best shots that u took, all the best :)

    1. hey i just signed up... thnks 4 sharing, hoping kuch acha ho jaye, plz share more tricks, cheers!

  4. Cool Information.........will subscribe for more.



Homies Hacks: Make Money Online with your Photos
Make Money Online with your Photos
Great ways to earn a little extra by selling your photos online
Homies Hacks
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