
Is AI Really Beneficial Or Will It Steal Your Job?


According To Analysts Your Job Could Be In....

Is AI Really Beneficial Or Will It Steal Your Job

No matter whatever and how many marketing strategies any company uses, the center of focus is always the customer.

And now with the advancement of AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology, the functionality of solving customers' basic how-to problems is improving. You must have observed that many sites nowadays have the auto-response chat box on their pages. It is a very strategic step as it helps to clear any basic queries of the customer without any delay.

AI Chatbot

While the human element is still needed when dealing with more serious problems, AI technology can be adapted to do the daily boring and repetitive tasks, which can give operators the ability to focus more on much more important tasks and leverage their skills.

The image of the company depends on how it provides customer service. And to provide efficient customer service the company should be able to handle large volumes of customer requests and queries and should be able to solve their problems in a short time. This will help build up trust among the customers in that company.

While the positive aspects of using this technology appear very effective, we need to keep in mind that this technology is still in its relative infancy and has a long way to go before humans can be used purely in a supervisory capacity.

Training Chatbot

Each chatbot can be trained to perform certain actions in accordance with the asked query via machine learning. As they are like software robots, they can work for 24 hours a day, providing a continuous customer assistance service that is always active both day and night, and also on holidays and weekends.

A well-trained chatbot can increase its ability to humanely converse with the customers through continuous learning. It can help customers with their large number of basic queries without putting them on hold and taking much of customers' time.

But will such an AI and automation process in progress will affect humans in getting jobs?

After thinking about chatbots and automation replacing humans it appears that it will create mass unemployment and similar to the Terminator series machine will take control of everything. However, even though we can't predict how much is the probability of the physical machines conquering humans, but as far as employment is concerned, analysts say that technology tends to create more jobs than it eliminates, i.e. according to the economic history data. When there is some loss of jobs in the market, industries give rise to others.

AI Jobs Future

According to them, with the advancement of technology the requirement for tasks, jobs, and skills can change and the same technology can create new professions. So, when the daily repetitive tasks are handheld by AI, then this would benefit current workers from an improvement in working conditions and an enhancement of activities and tasks.

AI would allow individuals to gain expertise, allowing them to manage specific failures, while also making it possible to improve the work of organizations and customer experience.

Working Together With AI

According to analysts, our goal should be to work together with the machines and not against them, as this will help us continue to progress, as we have done throughout our history.

So what do you think, will the advancement of such technology will take away more jobs than it would provide or do you believe that everything can remain constant or could there be in fact more variety of jobs? Do share your opinion in the comments below.



Homies Hacks: Is AI Really Beneficial Or Will It Steal Your Job?
Is AI Really Beneficial Or Will It Steal Your Job?
According To Analysts Your Job Could Be In....
Homies Hacks
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