
Amazing Facts About Keyboards You Never Knew


Rarely Known And Yet Interesting Facts About Keyboards.

Amazing Facts About Keyboards You Never Knew

Humans have done wonders with technological advances with time. And continuous innovation has put spectacular tools and resources in our hands to make our lives so comfortable. New discoveries in the technical field occur so frequently that it is difficult for many to catch up.

Talking about computer or laptop keyboards, you may think there is nothing interesting about this one peripheral device as we are so commonly used to them. And maybe the only thing you know about the keyboard is its function for typing.

If so, then get ready as you are about to witness some really interesting facts behind the keyboard that are rarely known.

1. The QWERTY Keyboard Is Designed To Slow Down The Typing Speed

Users with fast typing speed pride themselves on their skill, well they should be, why not, as this does make a lot of difference when using the computer. Users with fast typing skills can work on their computing machine much comfortably while making sure that their work gets complete much faster.

On the other hand, it also proves to be a competitive advantage for some jobs which requires people with faster and more accurate typing skills.

But did you know that the current QWERTY keyboard layout is the result of a solution designed to slow down typing speeds?

Unbelievable isn't it? But that's true! Earlier during the 1870s when typewriters were used, their metal arms which hold the characters, used to clash and jam if the keys were pressed sequentially or if a typist presses adjacent keys simultaneously.

Thus to avoid such problems and improve the typing experience, Christopher Latham Sholes made many design changes to the keyboard layout. And the current QWERTY keyboard layout that we use very commonly till now, was finally designed by E. Remington and Sons to solve the problem.

2. Ten Thousand Words = 1 Mile

Another interesting fact is that for every 10,000 words that you type, your fingers walk for approximately 1 mile or 1.6 km. This figure is an assumption for a combination of a keyboard with a QWERTY layout, precise typing skills, and certain calculation methodologies.

3. Your Keyboard Can Be Hacked

Are you aware that if you don't pay too much attention to the safety of your computer, then hackers may track everything you type on your keyboard? i.e. your bank passwords, passwords to your social accounts, etc.

Wondering how this happens? Well, there is a software called Keylogger, and this my friends can pose a serious threat to the security of your data.

The same keyboard tracking functionality can also be used in the form of a special USB device that can be secretly attached to the victim's computer socket.

So make sure to whom you share your computer!

4. You Can Code Only Using Spaces

Wait! What? haha, yes, amazing right?

It is true, you can actually code using spaces, and the programming language that makes it possible is called Whitespace. All it takes to write programs in this language is to use spaces, tabs, and line feeds. The translator ignores non-whitespace characters.

You can try yourself using this link Code With Spaces

So, do you know how to do coding with this?

5. Keyboard Commands Are Processed Faster Than Mouse

I am pretty sure if you are still here, then you must be continuously getting amazed with these unknown keyboard facts.

Continuing to our topic, one more interesting fact about the keyboards is that the commands that you give using the keyboards are processed faster than that of your mouse,.and, no this is not because of the extra seconds that you take to move your hands from the keyboard to mouse with addition to few seconds of the time that you take for pointing or clicking on something.

But because the operating system does not need to process additional information such as pointer coordinates while executing commands entered through the keyboard.

Do you know any other fun facts? Let us know in the comments below.



Homies Hacks: Amazing Facts About Keyboards You Never Knew
Amazing Facts About Keyboards You Never Knew
Rarely Known And Yet Interesting Facts About Keyboards.
Homies Hacks
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