
The Secret To Know Anyone's Secret


Technology To Know Anyone's Past, Present, or Future. 1000% Working!

The Secret To Know Anyone's Secret

Imagine if you tell your friends about the special power you have which can tell them about their past, present, and future. And I am not joking, it's going to be real and you will show them with 100% proof and as many times as you like.

Wondering what the hell am I talking about? Let me explain...

Now there is a website called Peter Answers which lets you ask any question about anything or anyone at anytime (just any question from this universe) and Peter will tell you the exact true answer with just 1 condition: only the reader of this article should ask the question and to whom Peter will answer correctly. If anyone else tries to ask then he/she would never get any correct answer from Peter.

Just carry on reading... and you will understand and will get to know your special abilities today!

So basically when you go to Peter Answers you'll see that the site has two text fields.

Peter's Answers

The first text field asks you to enter the petition, while in the second one you need to ask your question. As simple as it can get.

  • [message]
    • According To The Site's Instructions
      • The Petition field should always read: Peter please answer the following question.

Example 1:

Petition: Peter please answer the following question
Question: Who is typing this question?

Example 2:

Petition: Peter please answer the following question

Question: Who is sitting next to me?

Example 3:

Petition: Peter please answer the following question

Question: When will my friend Jake get married?

Example 4:

Petition: Peter please answer the following question

Question: Is Jenny secretly seeing someone else?

Get Peter's Answers

Ending your question with a Question Mark (?) or simply hitting the SEND button will submit your question to Peter and Peter will answer your question correctly in less than a second in the Peter answers: field.

Peter Answers Your Question

Needless to say that the list of questions that you can ask is endless. And you won't believe that you'll always get the 100% correct answer. Besides, you can ask questions about anything, of any time period (past, present, or future) and for anybody.

So How Does Peter Answers Actually Work?

Well, your partner or friend will really be shocked to see that Peter only answers your questions correctly and when any of your friends asks the questions he does not give the true answer.

Certainly, you should be telling your partner or friends that one should have a clear heart and should be spiritually connected with God in order for them to get the correct answers from Peter, just like you.

The true fact of the matter is that Peter does not read your mind or can tell you the future. It is you who must secretly enter the answer you want Peter to give.

Remember the necessary Petition that you are required to fill in every time you ask the question. That is where the trick happens.

So Here's How Peter Answers Truly Works:

In the Petition field:

Enter a period (a full stop) and then enter the answer you want. Whatever you enter, the field will display "Peter, please answer the following question."

If your answer's character length is shorter than the Petition statement length, then keep entering as many periods (full stops) as needed to display the full text of the petition.

For example, let's say I want to ask Peter, Who is typing this question? And I want Peter to answer Its Swaran. So I will do like this:

Petition: .It's Swaran..................................... 

keep tapping on the full-stop button till the full Petition statement displays, doesn't matter if you enter extra full-stops

Question: Who is typing this question?

now innocently ask the question

Peter answers: It's Swaran

you will get the answer that you wanted Peter to give and the dot(.) before and after your answer gets disappeared

  • [message]
    • Note
      • Remember that you need to start your answer with 1 dot (.) while you can end your answer with as many dots(......) required till the full Petition statement appears. Doesn't matter if your end dots (....) exceeds the Petition statement length.

And so this is how Peter always give correct answers only to you or the people reading this article 😉

Obviously, you can't play this trick on yourself! Instead, use this to trick others, your partner, friends, colleagues. You won't believe how much fun you are about to have.

I have used this trick on enormous occasions and the best part is my friends still don't know about this. But I wonder if any one of them is reading this and may know now... LOL!

This works especially well if you are typing fast and the other is not looking at your keyboard.

So how many of you pranked your friends, do let me know in the comments below!



Homies Hacks: The Secret To Know Anyone's Secret
The Secret To Know Anyone's Secret
Technology To Know Anyone's Past, Present, or Future. 1000% Working!
Homies Hacks
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