
YouTube offers @handles to Creators for Channel Branding


Now, you can have a YouTube 'handle' like TikTok for your account. The @username handle can be used across channels and short stories for branding.

YouTube Offers Handles Like TikTok

What Is YouTube @handle?

YouTube has introduced a new way for creators to identify themselves when using their Channels and Shorts pages. All users will receive a unique @name handle that they can share across different platforms.

Using a unique @name handle, users will be able to identify themselves in videos, comments, titles, etc.

YouTube Offers a handle to Reach Wider Audiences

As the company increased its investment in Shorts, the addition of the handle brought YouTube closer to TikTok.

With the introduction of handles, YouTube has become even easier for brands to recognize their channels. Additionally, the handles will be applied across multiple platforms, making them an effective tool for establishing a distinct brand identity.

Previously, the only way to identify a YouTube channel/user was 'Channel Name'. But now the handle will also serve as a means of recognizing the account.

How do I find my YouTube handles?

Starting this week, YouTube will begin allowing users to create custom handles. Users will be notified when they're eligible to pick one.

If a user already has a unique URL for their YouTube profile, YouTube will automatically assign them a custom handle. However, users can change this after the notification.

Using a unique handle, content creators, collaborators, and regular account holders will be able to reach a wider audience.YouTube will notify its most popular accounts when they've met certain criteria to become "verified."

A unique @handle will Help Identify Fraudsters

YouTube wants to help content producers create an online presence that allows them to stand out from the crowd while providing viewers with confidence that they're engaging with their favorite content producers.

Creator accounts with unique @name handles, along with channel names, will help viewers quickly identify and distinguish between fake and real accounts.

So did you get your unique @name handle? Do let us know in the comments down below.



Homies Hacks: YouTube offers @handles to Creators for Channel Branding
YouTube offers @handles to Creators for Channel Branding
Now, you can have a YouTube 'handle' like TikTok for your account. The @username handle can be used across channels and short stories for branding.
Homies Hacks
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