
Protect your Money from this New Scamming Technique


New Scammers Technique to Empty Your Bank Amount - Be Aware

Cyber Attack - Homies Hacks

Whether you are a customer of SBI, Bank of India or any other bank this update is for everyone who has a account in a bank.

Are you aware of the new technique which is in fashion nowadays amongst scammers using which they are robbing innocent customers? If not then read below.

Digital India has also increased few cases of digital fraud. Therefore, special care should be taken while doing online transactions. To talk about recently in Nashik a farmer just wanted to recharge his phone with Rs.100/- using one of the phone recharging apps. However, he made some mistake due to which he lost Rs.91000/- instead. You can imagine that it is not a small amount specially for a farmer to whom this much amount is equivalent to his annual income that too after doing much hard work.

So what Mistake did the Farmer do?
Well the only mistake the farmer did was that he installed remote control app in his phone via Play Store. The name of the app is called AnyDesk.

What is AnyDesk:  AnyDesk is a remote control application. It works to connect one device to another.

Basically when trying to do the recharge he was getting an error and due to some reason he wasn't able to make the payment. He tried a few times before finally deciding to call the customer service. He searched for the customer service number on the internet and then give a call on it upon which he was advised to download AnyDesk App. And this is where the problem started.

The farmer downloaded the app on to his phone and followed the direction as was advised by that agent (the number of whom he found on the internet). But after a while the money started coming out of his bank account and a total of Rs.91000/- were withdrawn at the end.

Let me tell you that some time ago, the RBI had advised not to download the AnyDesk app from Google Play Store or any other appstore for that matter. RBI says that this app can take out the money from your bank account and online wallet.

RBI has also shared a report which claims that for the past some time, fraud cases have increased with those who have traded on the UPI platform.  Hackers are withdrawing money from victims bank accounts via having remote access to their mobile phones.

Reserve Bank of India has instructed the banks to make their customers aware about this fraud that can happen through AnyDesk app. Because nowadays people do transactions mostly via online. In such a case, it is necessary to save people from this fraud.

How can the customer's bank balance be hacked by fraudsters?
Now whether you call the fraudsters by searching for their numbers online(listed as some bank's customer care number) OR whether they call you and representing themselves to be from the Bank, the motive is only to make you install the app which has remote control functionality in this case it is AnyDesk app.

After you install the app it will generate a 9 digit code which the hacker will asked you to share.

The hacker will then enter this 9 digits code onto his own phone.

Now he will ask you to allow the apps access permissions and as soon as you allow that - BOOM!! You just got yourself into trouble.

Once they have access to a mobile phone, hackers can fraudulently deal with any mobile banking app or payment app, which includes UPI or wallet.

How to take protective measures?

  1. Whenever you require a customer service number of any of the service provider whether it is a bank, shopping website, etc, then always search for the same from their respective websites only. If the have an app then you can also search for the same from there apps' contact section.
  2. If you are banking electronically, you should register yourself for SMS/Email alerts and should immediately inform your bank in case of fraud.
  3. According to the RBI, when using online banking, you should only use sites with https.
  4. Avoid banking on the free network.
  5. Do not share your password/PIN and change them regularly.

Identify the App before Downloading
Before downloading any mobile app from Google Play Store, check that who has created that app. For e.g. if you want to download the app for State Bank of India, then first search SBI on Google Play Store. Then click on SBI App and check out who is offering this app and who is the developer.
SBI e.g. 1 - Homies Hacks

SBI e.g. 2 - Homies Hacks

If you see that the app is offered by State Bank of India only then you should download the app.
Another way is to get a link to download the app directly from the bank's website.

Don't forget to share this post with your loved ones, I am sure you will not want them to get scammed.



Homies Hacks: Protect your Money from this New Scamming Technique
Protect your Money from this New Scamming Technique
New Scammers Technique to Empty Your Bank Amount - Be Aware
Homies Hacks
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