
9 Amazing Facts About Apple


Interesting Facts All Apple Fans Need To Know!

9 Amazing Facts About Apple

The Apple iPhone has been around for a long time and is definitely the most popular smartphone in the world. Although there are many people who use iPhones, iMac, and many other products from Apple, only a few are aware of some amazing facts about the brand. So, for those who call themselves an Apple fan-

Here Are Some Interesting Facts about the Company.

1. When was Apple founded?

Apple was founded on April Fools' Day in 1976 with three friends: Steven Paul Jobs, Stephen Gary Wozniak, and Ronald Gerald Wayne. But Wayne left the company just 12 days after it was founded. He sold his 10% stake for just $800 and got an additional $1,500 payout. Had he stayed with the company, his stake would be worth billions.

Wozniak left Apple in 1985.

2. iPhone is not Apple's first phone

Yes, the iPhone is not the first phone that Apple announced. Before the first iPhone was released in 2007, Apple collaborated with Motorola to produce cell phones. And that device was called Motorola Rokr E1 which was released on September 7, 2005.

3. Meaning of "i" in iPhone

In 1998 when Steve Jobs introduced the iMac, he revealed that it was short for the internet. And this is not only for iPhone but also for many other Apple products that start with "i". But then, he also once said "i" can also mean inspire, instruct, and etc.

4. iPhone with plastic screen

When Steve Jobs first introduced the iPhone in 2007, its 3.5-inch screen was made of plastic. However, when it was released to the public, it turned into a Gorilla glass screen.

Apparently, Jobs didn't like plastic screens as these are not scratch-proof, so he made sure that the iPhones come with a glass screen.

5. The Sacrifices of the co-founders

We all know how big and reliable brand Apple has become today, however, the journey was not that easy. In the earlier days, Steve Jobs sold his Volkswagen, and Stephen Wozniak sold his HP scientific calculator in order to increase Apple's capital. They always believed that it would pay off one day when their company gets bigger.

6. Apple's first logo was not of apple

Apple's First Logo

Apple's first logo was a picture of the physicist, Sir Isaac Newton who was aroused by the amazing idea of ​​gravity when an apple fell on his head.

However, as the apple is a symbol of innovation they later made it the logo for Apple Inc.

7. Why does the Apple logo have a bite mark on it?

Well, it is because if the Apple logo is without the bite mark it would then be difficult to distinguish it from cherry or tomato because they look the same.

8. Bill Gates Saved Apple from Bankruptcy

In the year 1997, Bill Gates invested $150 million in Apple to save it from bankruptcy.

9. Inspiration of the name iPod

The name iPod was inspired by the 2001 film: A Space Odyssey.

Do you know some more facts? Do let us know in the comments!



Homies Hacks: 9 Amazing Facts About Apple
9 Amazing Facts About Apple
Interesting Facts All Apple Fans Need To Know!
Homies Hacks
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