
How to Make Money on Twitter


How do I Monetize my Twitter Account? Check out how to Make Money from your Twitter account. The Ultimate Solution for How to Earn From Twitter.

How to Make Money on Twitter

Twitter Monetization

Can Twitter be Monetized?

Twitter is one of the platforms widely used by internet users all over the world to share and search for various information related to many things.

Initially, Twitter was used by people to share stories, photos, and videos however there had been many new features that have been developed making this social media platform more attractive, and the one feature which we will go to explore today is Twitter Monetization feature.

How to Monetize Twitter?

Twitter Video Monetization

It's been some time that this social platform's function has increased with the presence of Twitter Media Studio Monetization which offers you to monetize your Twitter videos that Twitter considers useful. The way it works can be said to be almost the same as YouTube Studio which is managed by YouTube.

How do you Monetize Twitter Videos?

Twitter offers two programs that users can take advantage of to monetize the content they upload on the platform and these two programs are Amplify Pre-Roll and Amplify Sponsorship.

Amplify Pre-Roll Program

Amplify's Pre-Roll Program is an opt-in advertising program to serve pre-roll ads to video content you share on Twitter.

This program was created to make it easier for publishers to monetize video content on Twitter and is readily available for advertisers to align with content that is safe for their brands.

Partners who are accepted into the program and develop sponsored support packages will have access to the monetization functions in Media Studio. Partners can take advantage of this program in the following ways.

  1. Visit studio.twitter.com and make sure you are signed in to your Twitter account.
    Tweet Button

  2. Click on the Tweet button next to the video in the Media Studio library.
    Monetize This Video

  3. Fill in the details within the Tweet compose pop-up window and check the Monetize this video checkbox.

  4. Don't forget to fill in metadata: Title, Description, Video category (required), Call-to-action URL.
  5. You'll have the option to further set up additional monetization metadata, such as: Excluding tags if you don't want certain ad categories to appear on your videos, Exclude advertiser @handles, Monetize in specific countries.

Once all the details are entered click on the Tweet button to immediately publish your new tweet.

Twitter advises not to select too many tags, as this can limit the ads that may be appropriate for your video. Also, if you don't want a specific advertiser to be associated with a video, you can enter that username in the Exclude section followed by the advertiser's username.

Amplify Sponsorships

The Amplify Sponsorship Program makes it easy for users to align premium video content through individual sponsorship support with one or more advertisers.

As per Twitter, this program will prove to be a great way to drive reach, revenue for brands and provide premium alignment for advertisers looking to reach their audience.

Partners who are accepted into the program and develop sponsorship support packages will have additional monetization functions in Media Studio. To take advantage of this program you need to go to-

  1. studio.twitter.com and make sure you are signed in to your Twitter account.
    Select Video

  2. Click on the Tweet button next to the video in the Media Studio library.
    Monetize This Video

  3. Fill in the details within the Tweet compose pop-up window and check the Monetize this video checkbox.

  4. Don't forget to fill in metadata: Title, Description, Call-to-action URL.
    Monetization Package

  5. Select the correct package from the Monetization program drop-down.
  6. You'll also have an option to update additional monetization metadata which is optional, for e.g. if you want to exclude some advertiser @handles.

Once all the details are entered click on the Tweet button to immediately publish your new tweet.

Twitter Spaces Monetization

Twitter Spaces Ticketing

Ticket Spaces

Twitter introduced a new feature to support creators in organizing Twitter audio room sessions (commonly known as Twitter Space Sessions), where they share their knowledge, expertise, or whatever the reason their audience is following them on Twitter.

Ticketed Spaces allows Twitter users to host more exclusive audio events, with listeners having to purchase tickets in advance to join. 

On Twitter Spaces, anyone can appear in a conversation, listen, or share their views openly on anything (provided they are given access).

Twitter users can charge between one dollar and $999 to get tickets to broadcast/live chat.

Users who host Twitter Spaces can choose the number of audiences and provide information or invitations to attendees when hosting an event.

How to Monetize Twitter Spaces with Paid Tickets?

  1. To get this service, open the Twitter app and swipe right on the screen to open the menu.
    TicketSpaces Monetization

  2. At the bottom of that menu, you'll see "Monetization." Select that menu and click Ticketed Spaces.
    Ticket Spaces

Super Follow

What is a Super Follow on Twitter?

Twitter Super Follow

In this feature, it is possible for users to get monetary benefits from the services provided to other users.

Twitter Super Follow itself works by charging followers a certain amount of money. This is applied when they want to follow some things that can only be accessed on a limited basis from someone's Twitter account.

How do I Turn On Super Follow?

  1. To get this service, open the Twitter app and swipe right on the screen to open the menu.
    Super Follow

  2. At the bottom of that menu, you'll see "Monetization." Select that menu and click Super Follow.
    Super Follows

Watch it on YouTube


Make sure before you sign up to any of the above options to make money from your Twitter account, you thoroughly go through the eligibility, terms, and conditions of each monetization option on Twitter.

Twitter will also ask to verify that you are 18 years of age or older and will then ask you to also complete your profile and enable two-factor authentication for your account.

[More Info on Video Monetization ##eye##]    [More Info on Ticketed Spaces & Super Follows ##eye##]


So I guess now you know How to Make Money on Twitter. According to Twitter, this is a move to encourage the creation of more content that keeps users engaged on the site.

The launch of the monetization feature is aimed at helping content creators make money online via Twitter. Now, of course, there is great potential for everyone to publish, whether it's sharing stories, photos, or videos about products or simply sharing information.

So have you started monetizing your Twitter content? Do let me know in the comments below.



Homies Hacks: How to Make Money on Twitter
How to Make Money on Twitter
How do I Monetize my Twitter Account? Check out how to Make Money from your Twitter account. The Ultimate Solution for How to Earn From Twitter.
Homies Hacks
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